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Meet Your Farmer

  My name is "Dirt" Murphy. My partner Mike and I own and operate All Our Relations Farm in Asheville, NC. We produce a lot of food and medicinal plants on 1/10th of an acre in a West Asheville neighborhood and the goal of this blog is to help you grow food where you live.

  We are not rich by any stretch of the imagination but we eat like royalty! We practice permaculture and manage All Our Relations Farm as an ecosystem. We have never used synthetic fertilizers or pesticides in the eight years that we have lived here, opting instead to improve the soil with compost that we produce on-site as well as utilizing various plants to improve the soil and provide food and shelter to beneficial insects and birds. Life is much easier when your garden does the gardening!

  Producing food isn't just about the plants though. We cultivate mushrooms and have red wiggler composting worms as well as a small flock of Australorp and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.

  I hope you're able to learn something from this blog but if not, please contact me and teach me instead! We all have different experiences and have much to learn from one another. That's how we grow, right?


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